Forest cover change detection by satellite scenes
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the forests in Slovakia - and especially spruce forests - are under serious pressure from windstorms and subsequent bark beetle outbreaks. These injurious agents usually affects forest stands at a scale which enables change detection even from the space. Therefore, the main objective of this web site is to visualize actual and historical satellite compositions of Slovak territory in order to allow users to monitor forest stands state and to identify ongoing changes.

Target groups:
  • state forestry administration
  • forest managers

Map applications The web map applications are a key part of this web site. Map applications visualize actual and historical compositions of satellite scens, which are usefull for visual interpretations of forest cover changes.
The applications run in web browser. The boundaries of state forestry administration units (OLÚ), forest districts (LHC) and forest stands (JPRL) can be displayed as well in order to localize identified changes.


The web site is maintained with support of following agencies and organisations: ASFEU - project CEGIS - Centre of excellence for decision support making in forest and landscape (ITMS 26220120069), Slovak Research and Development Agency with contract No. APVV-0670-07 and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (project EPOL II).

When using data from this web site or web map applications, please cite the following paper: Barka, I., Lukeš, P., Bucha, T., Hlásny, T., Strejček, R., Mlčoušek, M., Křístek, Š., 2018: Remote sensing-based forest health monitoring systems – case studies from Czechia and Slovakia. Central European Forestry Journal, 64(2018) 259–275 | DOI: 10.1515/forj-2017-0051
December 22, 2023
The classification of forest stand state and the mosaics of satellite scenes Sentinel 2 from 2023 were added into the map applications 2, 3 and 4.
September 30, 2022
The classification of forest stand state and the mosaics of satellite scenes from 2022 and 2021 were added into the map applications 2, 3 and 4.
In case of questions please contact us by e-mail:
Tomáš Bucha
Ivan Barka
Landsat scenes are the main data source in our web map applications.
Credit: Landsat satellite data courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Language versions
All rights reserved.
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